Saturday, May 18, 2019

#67: I Forgot Him


Jae surprised me. Honestly I'm not really sure what to think about what happened. I noticed a couple of tweets from Zanark on my account. I was trying to decipher them when Jae came in.

“Sorry.” She said. And she put the flash drive down on the table. I looked up at her confused.

“I took a look at this thing when you were gone last night. It had a pretty nasty program on it that redirects every link click to a weird image file.”

“Oh.” I finally managed to say. That was all I managed to say because she continued.

“I reverse engineered the virus so if you plug it into the laptop it will terminate the original procedure. Or something close enough. And also the image is saved in your system32. It might be malicious so delete that ASAP. Good luck!”

With that she turned to leave. Before she did, she said “Please find her.” I don't know what Zanark did (or how) but I guess he used Jae to deliver me guidance.

I obeyed right away, deleting the image at my first chance. As soon as the USB was recognized I could freely move through the computer. What I found on there, well…

I don't know if this is relevant to the investigation, or if Ben will flip his shit seeing I shared this anything that helps catch the culprit should be shared though. This is more important than privacy.

Of course. Rob. Fucking Rob who has been there since the beginning. The forgotten player who harbored Chameleon's darkness all along. And I never even considered him anything but a side character until just now. Fuck me. He's got Ali and I have to find a way to get her back.

I'm not even going to address the messages from Darek right now. Suffice it to say this is suggesting that Kendra and Chameleon made some kind of deal and she is betting her life that the audience, you, will act to save her. I guess you play some part in this too. It's not just my self-contained soap opera turned tragedy.

But I've got new leads to follow. I won't be sleeping tonight. Haven't rested well lately even when medicated. I'll update if anything major happens.


Update time. I meant to post this last night but I had trouble organizing everything. I was too excited by my lead to even post any tweets. I just kind of ran out and tried to find Rob.

According to his family, he had been acting out since Ali left him. They tried to be reasonable and help him out but he rejected their kindness at every step. This classic story played out exactly as could be imagined. the beginning of April he disappeared and they haven't seen him since. He had a few dollars saved up. Tough to say if he stayed at motels or just wandered the streets.

I couldn't really pin his activities down. Maybe if I was a cop or a grizzled PI people would have helped more. But I couldn't really give a straight reason why i, a young looking guy in his twenties, was asking about this dude. What info I did get led to nothing. And while I was looking I just got rocked by the gravity of everything.

Chameleon played me. I was so lost int he darkness. Everything felt false. Some things I thought I posted don't exist and things I didn't mean to post can be seen throughout the blog and Twitter. He knew. He read my nlogs. He followed my accounts. He knew what I was doing the whole time and dint say a word. He was Chameleon's sleeper agent keeping tabs on me without attracting notice. I feel betrayed as much as I feel guilt for my own betrayal. I started thinking of the universe as a computer program and a rogue variable I hadn't accounted for exposed itself in the final beta test.

Rob if you're reading this please. You don't have to do this. Whether it's your own darkness or Chameleon puppeting you, please just fight it and please just let me see my friend again. 

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